英國傳媒專業(yè)說錄取難度的話LSE和華威首當其沖,建議985/211院校均分87+,雅思也基本要求7.0. 其次利茲大學傳媒學院也有自己的名單,絕大部分都是211/985院校,武漢地區(qū)雙非院校也只有湖北大學在名單里。
院校也是選擇眾多,有倫敦政治經(jīng)濟學院,華威,謝菲爾德和利茲等百強院校。 也有卡迪夫,約克,威斯敏斯特這種傳媒強校。
1. 倫敦政治經(jīng)濟學院
P4U1 MSc Media and Communications
P4U6 MSc Media and Communications (Research)
P3U3 MSc Media and Communications (Media and Communication Governance)
P3U2 MSc Media, Communication and Development
M1UR MSc International Relations>>>【倫敦政治經(jīng)濟學院申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
M1UI MSc International Relations (Research)
L2UG MSc International Relations Theory
Y2U7 MSc Gender, Media and Culture
L3UC MSc Culture and Society
P4UB LSE-Fudan Double MSc Global Media and Communications
P4U4 LSE-USC Double MSc Global Media and Communications
P4UA MSc Politics and Communication
2. 華威大學>>>【華威大學申請條件成績要求-立即咨詢】
Film and Television Studies (MA)
Global Media and Communication (MA)
MSc Intercultural Communication for Business and the Professions
International Cultural Policy and Management (MA)
International Relations (MA)
Translation and Transcultural Studies
3. 謝菲爾德大學>>>【謝菲爾德大學申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
Broadcast Journalism - MA/Postgraduate Diploma
Global Journalism - MA
Journalism Studies - MA (Broadcast or Web)
Magazine Journalism - MA/Postgraduate Diploma
Web Journalism - MA/Postgraduate Diploma相
Print Journalism - MA/Postgraduate Diploma>>>【謝菲爾德大學申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
Management (Creative and Cultural Industries) -
Intercultural Communication - MA
International Political Communication -
Religion, Conflict and the Media -MA
Methods in Politics/International Relations -
4. 卡迪夫大學>>>【卡迪夫大學申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
MA Journalism
MA Journalism, Media and Communications
MA International Journalism
MA International Public Relations and Global Communications Management
MA Political Communications
MSc in Science, Media and Communication
MA English Language and Communication Research
5. 利茲大學:>>>【利茲大學申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
MA International Journalism
MA Media Industries
MA Political Communication
MA Communications Studies
MA International Communications
MA Advertising and Design
MA Advertising and Marketing>>>【利茲大學申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
MA Corporate Communications and Public Relations
MA Textile Innovation and Branding
MA Writing for Performance & Publication
MA Cultural Studies
MA Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship
MA Theatre and Global Development
MA in Social and Cultural History>>>【利茲大學申請條件評估-立即咨詢】
以上是部分可以參考的學校和專業(yè)。 如果說錄取難度的話LSE和華威首當其沖,建議985/211院校均分87+,雅思也基本要求7.0. 其次利茲大學傳媒學院也有自己的名單,絕大部分都是211/985院校,武漢地區(qū)雙非院校也只有湖北大學在名單里。
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